Friday, November 17, 2017

Praying For A Good Diet???

Diet, as we all know, takes will power.You need a resolve of steel to stick to it and forgo favorite fattening foods. A new book suggests Divine Intervention can help. Is that true? Can we pray away the pounds?

According to author and creator of  the site Dashing Dish , Katie Ferrell, you can.Her new book, Nourish (Faith Words Publishers, 2017) explains that by eating clean and being spiritual, you can shed pounds and sin, becoming a stronger person in the process. Like many "cookbooks" today this one is all about the personal experience , peppered with recipes. She goes through many transformations from a horrible teen age experience with anorexia and bulimia to a young student nurse to a wife and expecting mother.Her writing is likable and some will identify with her.Ms. Farrell is a Bible reader and applies certain passages to her life so that it all makes sense.It's really the first food related book that offers prayer as a solution. She also broaches on the subjects of perseverance and purpose along with partnering with God. The faithful will see this as great plan. Others many eschew it and concentrate on her sections on portion control and getting rid of the junk. She does make an important point about emotions and how they can guide us down right and wrong paths.

What of the recipes themselves? I find it odd that she tells readers to try to restrain themselves against such treats as cookies and cakes yet has recipes for them. Granted, they  are what she calls clean - meaning there's no butter or refined sugar or flour, yet they 're still temptations. Other recipes are Make Ahead Freezer Smoothie Packs, made with frozen strawberries and bananas mixed with Greek yogurt and almond milk. These are perfect for the dieter on the go, because they whip up into a quick nutritional breakfast. Ms. Farrell also has a sweet potato-turkey burger mash up that's also chock full of spinach . Some will like the cheesy chicken and green chile lasagna, spiced up with chili powder and cumin. Chicken also rules in the taco chicken quinoa bowls along with the ancient grain of quinoa and in chicken Ceasar wraps. Another plus recipe is the Homemade Oat Flour Pizza Crust. This can be turned into the base for many healthy, fresh veggie pizzas and even flatbread. It's too bad she doesn't have any fish recipes since it was clearly mentioned in the New Testament.

Will prayer help with dieting? It can if you believe. Katie Farrell certainly believes in it and uses it to lead a balanced , nourishing life.

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