Monday, October 30, 2017

The FODMAP Diet - The Tricks And Treats Of It

Many people are afraid to eat. because of the consequences. They're plagued by stomach aches, gas and those awful runs to the bathroom. Most likely they need the FODMAP diet, a semi specific list of foods that either relieve or aggravate the stomach and intestines.

The FODMAP diet is relatively new, first coming about in 2005 from a hypothesis  paper. The paper stated that a collective reduction in the dietary intake of  all indigestible or slowly absorbed short chained carbohydrates would minimize stretching of the intestinal wall. This was proposed to reduce stimulation to the gut's nervous system. The low FODMAP diet was first formulated by a research team at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia to help people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. What does FODMAP stand for? Fermentable, oligosaccherides, disaccherides, monosaccherides and polyols or sugar alcohol. Any one of these or all may cause such annoying and debilitating problems of increased gas, bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain. Other symptoms, according to Dr. Martin Storr,who wrote FODMAP Navigator (Digesta Press), are frequent stools
Diarrhea and constipation.It may even worsen pre-existing conditions too. Dr. Storr's book is an excellent guide because it lists every kind of food and even additives as low or high. It will definitely help those suffering navigate through groceries and farmer's markets.

What can be eaten? Most fruits which can be turned into delicious breakfast salads.They are bananas, cantaloupe,papaya, pineapple and strawberries. Some veggies are good such as broccoli and carrots, olives and red and yellow bell peppers. Tomatoes are low and can be made into stomach soothing salads and sauces. What are huge taboos are soy products as well as dairy and gluten filled baked goods. Those who have problems should stridently avoid soy burgers as well as regular and soy lattes. Luckily there are almond and rice milks that can be used  to both a tasty drink and in cooking and baking. They can also be used in making homemade ice cream too. Tempeh and hard tofu are fine.  Meat lovers will breathe a  huge sigh of relief. The big three: beef, chicken and ham are fine as are turkey, lamb  and even bacon and eggs.  Rice is another perfect food and people can sub in rice crackers and flour for regular wheat products. Gluten is another culprit, so switch over for gluten free breads, rolls and pasta. Cakes and cookies are also responsible for stomach discomfort so sub in fruits and baked goods made with a mix of rice flour and tapioca starch. Plain cocoa is non confrontational  so you can make chocolate goodies such as cupcakes. Also many companies such as Pillsbury have gluten free mixes and doughs,

FODMAP is a great guide for those who suffer from a variety of discomforts. It s' easy to switch over and start eating without any worries.It's the first step in having a life without any problems.

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