Friday, June 16, 2017

Cool And Calorie Free Frozen Fruit Treats

Is there a low cal alternative to ice cream for a summer treat? Yes, and they're even more delicious than a scoop of butter pecan. It's frozen fruit which is not only good for you but refreshing.

Fruit popsicles are a tasty and cooling treat on any muggy , not day,. They're  tasty as either a snack or a dessert after a barbecue. Take advantage of June's harvests. Cherries, strawberries, blueberries and peaches are out in abundance at farmer's markets and supermarkets.Use them to create sweet treats. Coarsely chop the fruits and pour into popsicle molds (there are some cute ones out there).Add low sugar grape juice or fruit punch to give them body. For a more festive look sub in fizzy flavored seltzer that will give the pops  "frozen" bubbles. These can also be dipped in dark chocolate for added flavor .A more sophisticated take is granita, the easiest ice to make. This is an Italian classic, even being served with a brioche for breakfast in Sicily. Try a lemon one for a cool, summery break from hot temps. It's cooking the lemons down with  both the  juice and zest with water and sugar and then freezing in metal pans.Let the liquid  sit for thirty minutes,take the pan out and stir the ice crystals, Repeat  this every half hour for three hours. The final result is an icy  slush that's served in goblets or bowls.

If you don't have time for this don't despair.There are some very tasty pops out there  that are chock full of fruit and goodness.A caveat though before shopping. Look to see what the ingredients are Avoid those with fructose. Outshine is a new company but it's giving the more traditional brands a run for their money. They have such delicious flavors as grape, watermelon and a host of berry flavored popsicles.. Get their variety pack to please the whole family. The company has also gotten on the coconut water bandwagon and is offering one made with the milk.It's also loaded with large pineapple chunks. Dole has put out a yummy treat  Dippers. The fruit company is dipping a toe in the froze treat department with their low calorie but sinfully good dark chocolate dipped frozen strawberries and bananas. The strawberries are the best and there are two slices one to a pack. It's a marriage of two great flavors in a refreshingly cold treat. Add them to low cal frozen yogurt for a fun sundae.Diana's Banana's  are another frosty treat  that perfect for the dog days ahead. They are  dark chocolate covered banana slices which make for some good snacking on a sweaty night.

Don't turn to ice cream when the temps rise. Go for frozen, fruity treats instead. They're healthier and goo for you , both for cooling off and for getting better nutrition.

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