Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Gardening For Beginners

This is the time for planning your Spring garden. It's a great way to not only have organic foods at your fingertips, it's also a great learning experience.Yet many home chefs have qualms about starting a garden. They're afraid of what to choose and how to prep the ground. Yet, it is easy, if it's kept simple.

The first thing any home chef should do is look into low maintenance veggies . This makes gardening not as complicated or time consuming. Easy plants are the root vegetables such as carrots, radishes and turnips. Carrots are versatile  and can go from salad to cakes to even breads. Radishes, both the veggie and the tops are great in all sorts of dishes from stir fries to omelets. A good turnip crop can be turned into a yummy mash or fun oven baked chips Beets, those ruby red sweet treats, and another root veggie are also a dream to grow. Once boiled, they're delicious in salads..Zucchini is another plant that 's a snap to grow. One of the big plusses is that it produces three to nine pounds of the squash per season. Another plus is that it's incredibly versatile.It can be stuffed , or cut up into rounds or coins to be sauted in butter and garlic. It can also be the base of a summery ratatouille or turned into breads and muffins.For those who love tomatoes, their favorite fruit(yes, it is) is a dream to grow.The only problem and it is a slight one  - is making sure that the soil's pH is around six or seven. Add lime to increase it or sulfur to decrease the level.

Once you have drawn up your list of what to grow, start looking at your both your front and back yards. Yes, it's traditional to always have gardens tucked in some cozy corner of the backyard, but consider the front  yard if you have better soil and plenty of sun there. However, some towns have bans(!) on front yard gardens so please check with yours before you begin or you could wind up with a fine or a citation..The next step is acquiring the right tools. One of the first to get is a good pair of gardening gloves. They protect you from any thorny weeds  or the errant thistle that may invade your plot. Gloves also protect your hands from UV rays and prevent you from having gardener's nails, that crust of dirt that gets underneath them.A hoe is your second need.It has to be sturdy wide one for vegetable gardening. Hand trowels and spade are the next must-haves. Hand trowels are great in digging out weeds and planting herbs. Spades are perfect for digging seed holes and building up mounds around plants. You'll also need a hose nozzle with multiple settings. This can either mist your plants or provide them with a rain like spatter. Also a sturdy hose is a plus too. The last thing you want is one that keeps springing leaks. A small sprinkler is also a good buy too. It waters the garden without soaking the patio.

Gardening is not only useful to home chefs , it can turn into a fun hobby. Growing your own food is exciting  and renews interest in cooking. A garden is only a good thing.

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