Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Food Issues For A New Administration

Tonight America gets a new leader. This January whoever wins will face a lot of issues, some of them regarding how we Americans eat. There's also  the question of eating healthy and promoting good habits. After all, an unhealthy US is a sad US, not a vibrant one.

One of the issues is who's going to continue First Lady Michelle Obama's Eat Hhealthy/ Let's Move  campaign ? This was a brilliant program, that taught our kids to eat right. She made it cool to eat carrots and spinach and say no to a steady diet of fries and sodas. Thanks to her even the youngest  Americans became savvy when it came to shopping and cooking. Mrs. Obama  even got kids interested in gardening and the importance of growing your own produce. Hopefully, she 'll be allowed to continue this program or some form of it will exist with the next First Spouse. another hope is that her vegetable garden be kept so more school kids can benefit from it. Here's another hope for whoever takes over - try to maintain healthy eating habits. Not only is the US watching  but the world is too.It doesn't look too good when our president is scarfing down cheeseburgers and maybe a bit too much red wine or even harder stuff (although the job is demanding one - but think herbal teas with a lot of valerian). Keep the White House Chef, Sam Kass. He's an excellent chef ho worked with the First Lady in creating the first major garden since Eleanor Roosevelt's Victory Garden.

Then there's the question of those GMOs, those genetically modified organisms that have slowly taking over our groceries. They started out in the Eighties with simple experimentaton wth tomatoes. Scientists and armers then started on the quest for sweeter, seedlesss and hardier hybrids. However more and more fruits and veggies are turning into these pieces of Frankenproduce. Even cows that produce milk have been more or less genetically engineered thanks to RGBH or recombinant bovine growth hormone. This has to stop before the meat industry gets involved . Right now there is a ban  but who knows when they'll cave nd start injecting cows, chickens and even farmed salmon with hormones and chemicals.Our next president should also look into the powerful sugar and beef lobbies.Despite all of our current First Lady's warnings and push for healthy eating , we still have sugary drinks along with endless arrays of candies and snack cakes. The beef  lobby is as powerful as the NRA  and is still pushing a diet of red meat on Americans. We can have pushbacks and protests along with changing our lifestyles.Yet , if it's there and we have a craving we will go for that hamburger or ribs.More and more has to be done to imprive our diets.

Our new president  will have a lot to deal with in January. Yet there's are eating and food issues too, that need to be addressed. America has to be fed nutritious food to thrive and survive . It's just that simple.

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