Saturday, September 10, 2016

Tasty Meals and Thank Yous

Our service people do a lot for us. They always have since our earliest days as a country. How to repay them? We can only do so in small gestures. Taking them to dinners or throwing them a party. It's a small way , but our way of saying thanks.

One way of honoring our servicemen is spending time with our veterans. It's always a treat when doughnuts and coffee come their way, especially for the  World War II and Korean War vets. Their stories are priceless and amazing.It's a history lesson from the men and women who caused history to happen. If it,s one of their birthdays, ask if you can bring in a cake or possibly even arrange a barbecue if the weather is still good. Nothing beats a few dogs, some homemade potato salad and beers.(or soda and iced tea if alcohol isn't allowed).Another idea is bringing the retired service people to dinner or, if you've become friendly home for a home cooked meal. Make them their favorite foods along with a favorite dessert.You could even organize dances that features music of the Big Band Era and the Fifties, There are websites that feature the foods of that era such as the Victory Cake, that's full of spices and raisins or a Soldier's Cake a kind of vanilla scratch cake. Serve it with a fruity punch. (and if they want to spike it so be it,Have a little fun).

As for our younger service people, a homecoming for a neighborhood hero is always a way of saying thank you. Get the entire neighborhood involved with everyone making the service person's favorite foods. The weather is still arm so it's still possible to cook out. Celebrate with steaks and ribs,kebobs and hamburgers. The hero's family will also appreciate it and the work that went into it. Another way is inviting them over for a dinner of favorite foods. A meal out is always a good choice too. Have a quiet dinner for four at a fancy restaurant . Pull out all the stops, Have champagne chilled and ready to be poured.If you can, get a quiet nook, so they're not on display. If it's possible or you know the chef, have a special dish created with beloved ingredients if that's possible. If they want a quiet supper alone with their spouse,  then treat them to  gift certificate to their favorite place and offer to babysit the kids.It'll give them a chance to rediscover themselves in a quiet ,romantic setting without any distractions. Bring homemade muffins or biscuits for breakfast the next morning.

Our service people deserve our utmost respect and thanks. We can repay them in small gestures such as a coffee or a night out. It's just a way of expressing our gratitude.

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