Monday, August 22, 2016

Majoring in Food

It's that time of the year when kids are gearing up to go back to school, talking about hopes and dreams, and possibly careers and futures. Maybe some of those projections may revolve around food. Anything to do with it can be not only interesting , but fun  A career in it could lead to bigger and better things, wh.ether in cooking or management

Mention a career in food and most people automatically think restaurants.It is a good career but remember it's not just cooking,It's also having a sharp business acumen. Even small family owned pizzerias are more business oriented than food centered. It can be rewarding and fun. Many chefs, such as the famed Brit , Jamie Oliver, was born into it as was famed French chef, Jacques Pepin. Some, such as Gordon Ramsay, chose it, rising to phenomenal heights of celebrity. It does pay to go to a culinary school where you can also have other courses such as business and advertising, along with getting a bachelor's degree. One of the most famous is the CIA  - Culinary Institute of America.It's main base is New Hyde Park, the Hudson River town of FDR fame, about  a ninety minute drive north of New York City. The school has branched out to Napa Valley, California and San Antonio, Texas. There is also the New England Culinary School located in Montpelier , Vermont. If you want something a tad less intense then look into pastry schools. Some may also have a cooking curriculum as well. They aren't as expensive along with being quicker to finish. These are great for those in their thirties and even forties and looking to start a second or new career.

Universities such as Johnson and Wales, along with my alma mater, Fairleigh Dickinson University offered courses in restaurant management and hospitality. The first even offers a Bachelor's in Culinary Arts, with classes in world cuisine with an emphasis on Szechuan, French , Northern Italian and Thai cuisines, along with pastry courses. There are even wine and spirit courses too. They also have hospitality courses too at their campuses located throughout the country. Johnson and Wales has campuses in Providence, Rhode Island,North Miami, Denver and Charlotte , North Carolina. FDU,offers one of the oldest hospitality studies in the country. The very beautiful Madison campus (and, yes,I am prejudiced here - although I went to and teach at the Teaneck campus) houses the Chaine des Rotisseurs the oldest and largest food and wine society.dedicated to and promoting the culinary and hospitality arts.The school also has a 2000 foot demonstration lab as well, The famed Cornell University , alma mater of Bill Maher, is also known for its' extensive hospitality program also .On the West Coast there is Washington State University in Spokane and Everett , Washington and the  University of Nevada at Las Vegas the William H. Harrah School of Hospitlaity,, another four year school that has a very  good hospitality school. They also have student run restaurants on campus as well.

Majoring in food , namely the culinary arts and hospitality can be fun and rewarding. It's something to think about whether you're a high school senior or looking for a second career. The end result is a career that you'll love.

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