Thursday, July 7, 2016

Food For All Urban Farms

There are too many people starving in cities. Either that or they're not eating right, going for cheap junk or fast foods. There is a solution  - farming. It's something that many cites need to do. The end result is a healthy population that can give back to the city.

Urban farms are a new phenomenon but the idea of feeding ones' own has been around for centuries. Many castles had garden in their keep or right outside the castles walls. .The fruits and vegetables grown supplied nourishment for everyone within it. Urban farming is somewhat similar, The produce grown goes to the community whether for schools, food pantries or soup kitchens. It's a great way of getting healthy foods out to a population that may not always eat right due to financial problems.Newark, New Jersey was one of the first cities to have this Theirs is actually in two forms. The first is plot of land measuring two and a half acres. It is not just a farm but a learning center for local schoolchildren. Here they can see how tomatoes and lettuce are grown  as well as harvesting them.Another plus is that for ten dollars a month any Newark resident can have a plot to grow whatever they want.For parents this is a boon. It gives them and their children a relief from gritty city life and into fresh air .It also shows them to have responsibility with tending plants and making sure they thrive.Urban farming may also guide them into fields of biology and other sciences as well.

The other type of urban farm is repurposing an old factory and turning it into a multi story farm. This also has been stated in Newark and  happening in some of the larger cities like Chicago. One of the more famous one's there is Sweetwater .Thanks to Emmanuel Pratt, founder of the Sweetwater Project, Chicagoans not only get fresh veggies and herbs, their children also receive lessons in how to fertilize and plant. Kindergarteners up to grad students learn about the plants along with the fish that provide the fertilizers. There are tanks of tilipia which provide nitrogen waste for the crops.Professor Pratt has created more of these urban farms in Milwaukee and Detroit too.The Japanese have also jumped on this concept, creating the world's largest interior farm in eastern Japan in an area badly hit by the tsunami. It has created no only a huge bounty of crops but very little waste, thanks to installing LED lights. The lettuce will keep under them and not wilt. Another plus of urban farming is that the crops are not subjected to drought or heavy rainfalls.More and more cities need to think about this sustainable method of feeding their citizens. Instead of caving into Big Business, they need to reclaim the land .

Big cities need to rethink selling out old factories and green lands to businesses. Urban farming is a cheaper  way of getting fresh fruit and veggies out to a population who need it. It's benefits everyone, especially the next generation.

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