Friday, April 8, 2016

Eight Years in The Pantry

Eight years ago I started this blog  as   favor to  friend who needed publicity for his bottled water company. What started out as a day's publicity stunt became a full blown passion and blog. writing Foodie Pantry has made me hyper aware of the changes in the food industry for the past eight years

One aspect that is blatantly obvious is the price of food. Grapes alone are sometimes six to seven dollars a pound. Buy a three pound bag of seedless black ones and it's the price of a lunch at Wendy's. Sugar has gone up and in return any baked product. It is shocking that bakeries can sell cakes for as high as fifty dollars and no one complains. To that I say go to your local grocery store for  pastries and birthday treats. They're much cheaper and actually better tasting from stores such as Acme and Stop and Shop.Another interesting fact is that the average grocery bill has gone up in these eight years and will continue to do so.It's nothing to spend over one hundred dollars on just a few groceries and to spend close to five and six hundred on a week's worth. Thanks heavens for coupons and two for one sales. These are true blessings to those who are on fixed budgets. Luckily, one of the most expensive supermarkets, Whole Foods has just launched a cheaper version of itself called 365, It will tested in Los Angeles next year and then branch out across the country . The grocery will be a boon to those who want to eat healthy and enjoy cheaper versions of  free range meats and organic produce.

The last is also part of the change .  Over processed foods are now almost history. Thanks, partially to the hipster movements that are taking over this country, more and more people are demanding fresh made artisenal foods.The movement ,more or less started in Portland, Washington and Brooklyn, New York. The last city has given birth to all sorts of fresh made products, from bacon to pickles along with,  cured cheeses and fresh baked breads and pastas.It has paid off. Every bite has the same taste that our grandparents and great-grandparents relished.This has also given birth to the food swap movement where foodies swap home made and home processed goods. There are trades on everything from freshly laid eggs to homemade jams and cookies. Another trend that's developed in the last eight years, and one I'm proud of   is the urban farm. Old factories are being repurposed  to being places where veggies, fruits and herbs are grown for the community. This is happening in nearby Newark, a city that has known its' share of poverty and deprivation. People of all ages, especially the kids and elderly can now benefit from just picked tomatoes , lettuce and strawberries.

You wouldn't think that there could be changes in eight years but there are. Hopefully there will be  more organic and artesenal food for more and more people who need it. It's a wish that needs to become a reality.

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