Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday Good Deeds

It is Good Friday,one of the most solemn and reflective days of the Christian calendar. It is the ay when most, especially the Catholics give up meat. It should also be the day we give up some of our other foods, donating them to the poor and needy.

If you have any cans or even just want to buy some for your local soup kitchen please do so. charity doesn't just apply to the other holidays . It also applies to this weekend as well. Share cupcakes or cake if you're baking or even an Easter bread. Spend the day with the homeless.It's a great lesson for the kids. If they received a ton of candy from relatives as well as the Easter Bunny , himself, then have them share the overage with kids form the shelter.Learning to share is a great gift and they may even make new friends along the way.

This is a day for reflection and prayer. Reflect on how good and abundant your life is. Pray for those who are not so fortunate  and then share your Easter bounty with them.

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