Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A New Yummy Treat From Setton Farms

A perfect treat for Spring picnics and outings is the new Pistachio Berry Blend from Setton Farms,It's a nice blend of nuts , cranberries, cherries and white  chocolate. Best of all it's comes in a pouch that can be dropped in any picnic basket or tote bag. Bring it anywhere for a yummy quick bite.

Setton Farms is really the king of all things pistachio. It's the largest pistachio producer in the US, located in Terra Bella in south central California. The company is known for growing the nuts on ten thousand acres as well as processing them too. They offer plain as well as flavored ones in such flavors  as garlic onion,jalapeno chili and salt and pepper.They also have dark chocolate covered ones and one of my favorite snacks: pistachio bites. The last are tasty little bites made of the nuts and dried cranberries held together with agave. They're a favorite nibble, all natural and tasty, a rare blend to be sure,.Setton Farms is also known for producing dried fruit such as  pears and pineapples as well You can also buy almonds and walnuts too from them. The company is combining the almonds with the pistachios in a new gorp like mix  that also features cashews,dried cranberries,dried cherries and white chocolate chips. This is a first for them because they haven't used the last ingredients yet in any products.

The mix is a fun one , salty and sweet , depending upon how it is eaten.Each pouch is about five servings so they're a fun snack to share at  soccer games or beach parties.What is great  is that Setton Farms is thinking outside the box with the use of the cherries and white chocolate. Many other companies wouldn't put in those bold flavors. They're a nice foil to the mildness of the other ingredients. The mix is great on its' own but it can be added to oatmeal for a kicky breakfast. It can also be a great boost added to muffin or even oatmeal cookie batter. Toss it into freshly popped popcorn for a new snack treat. Home chefs could even make their own chews by combining the trail mix with melted dark or white chocolate. Each serving is only twenty-eight calories with only fourteen fat calories, There''s hardly any cholesterol or carbohydrates in it so it is an ideal snack as well as ingredient to any dish. Another plus is that it comes in a resealable pouch so the snack always remains fresh,

Setton Farms new pistachio berry blend is a great snack , full of flavor and low on calories. Pick up a pouch and savor the sweet salty taste of nuts, fruits and white chocolate.It's a fun nibble that'
s actually good for you.

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