Monday, January 18, 2016

King's Example

Today we celebrate Matrin Luther King's birthday , man who wanted to unite the country and make segregation an archaic idea. Unfortunately we still have the great divide, even more so with the poor of all colors and creeds. Thankfully there are a few small actions we can do to have some easement.

I cannot express the importance of helping out in food pantries across the U.S.. Assisting is not only good way of getting in touch with all of your community but also seeing what needs to be fixed. Sometimes it just takes this to push oneself into politics and community service. Bring the kids along too. The earlier they learn about helping others, the better. Too may kids feel entitlement  and they need to be shown not to take anything for granted Another idea is also bringing a festive air (if that's possible) to a soup kitchen by having a decorative cake or baking cookies to go with after meal tea or coffee. One idea to consider is a pantry garden. This is taking a little more of your yard to grow  bumper crops fruits and vegetables during the spring and summer months. The overage can be donated to your local food pantry or soup kitchen Of course it's too early to plant but it;s not too early to draw up plans or look into planting veggies you haven;t grown before.

For those living in urban areas, it time to protest for more urban farms. The concept is in full bloom in Newark , New Jersey where a variety of benefactors such as Goldman Sachs are contributing. It's refurbishing old warehouses and factories into indoor vertical farms. All sorts of vegetables and greens are grown inside , tended by locals. This creates not only ingredients for nutritional dishes but also jobs for the immediate community.Every city throughout the US should have at least two or three. It's up to the townspeople to help bring these vertical farms to their towns. Teachers in these urban area schools should also urge for nutrition or better nutrition classes too. Another idea to push is pay or help restaurants. If patrons don't have money, then they can help out , whether clearing tables or aiding around the kitchen.The concept was first instituted by rocker Jon Bon Jovi in his Red Bank, New Jersey restaurant JBJ Soul Kitchen. They also need volunteers to help out as well if you live in the area.Again this is an excellent restaurant idea in big cities such as Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.

Reverend King may have been impressed with the progress we have made, however it would have dismayed him to see the great divide between this nation's upper and lower classes. We can come together foodwise  It only takes a helping hand to start a change .

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