Saturday, December 26, 2015

Holiday Detoxing With Leftovers

As we all recover from our Christmas feasting and look forwards to our New Year's calorie splurges. However too much eating and drinking can do  number on anyone.It's time to call in those leftovers from yesterday to help. Yes, you can repurpose that Christmas ham and turkey into something yummy and healthy.

A good breakfast is the key to starting the day off right. We all have the tendency to have a holiday starter of cookies or a slice of cake . Resist.  The one Christmas treat, oranges are the exception. Nothing beats a glass of fresh squeezed juice but also there 's nothing greater than starting a day with slices of sunshine. There' chock full of Vitamin C and fiber, two much needed ingredients for a healthy system.Panettone and pan d'oro are also a nice way to start the the morning. Just have them sliced and toasted  but nix the butter. They're rich enough to eat on their own. If you do want something extra think a fresh fruit salad with  pears  and apples mixed with oranges and bananas. This last is a nice idea to make with that first shipment of Fruit Of The Month Club that many of you did receive as gifts. Leftover ham can be turned into amazing omelets or perfect fried up with eggs. Just go easy with it Maybe make one slice with an egg for a good breakfast or chop in a scant half cup when making a fritatta.Cut off all fat before cooking.

Speaking of that ham, it's good just minced in a big salad.Make it a bit player so the salad keeps its' nutritional value. Use whatever leftover veggies too, like green beans, broccoli and mushrooms from your antepasto. Leftover turkey is a blessing .It's a  low calorie meat that can be made into a variety of yummy  dishes. A simple salad with turkey slices is a great lunch or brunch dish. Add some dried cranberries and baby spinach leaves for some variety. Have a simple sandwich using slices of a hearty grain bread and low calorie mayo. Toast the bread and make a sumptuous but good for you club sandwich (Nix the bacon of course). A simple turkey consomme is another cleansing dish , perfect after a week of serious feasting.Just keep in mind it's a complicated soup despite its' simplicity.It does require clarification using egg whites and cheesecloth. However it is worth it , simply because of its' richness and plainness plus you get rid of most of the bird.. Sweet potatoes , usually, loaded down with calories, can be turned into a healthy leftover. Have them reroasted in the oven, with a drizzle of olive oil and just a sprinkle of sea salt for a tasty side. They can also be repurposed into part of a vegan stew as well.

The holiday brings us tons of delicious savories and sweets. Repurpose them to create healthy dishes to help you detox during the holiday season.It's  nice way of having leftovers.

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