Friday, October 16, 2015

An Apple Picking Outing

This is the season for apple picking .It can be a fun day of enjoying the crisp fall air and having the last picnic of the season.Many orchards have picnic tables set up along with stands selling all sorts of foods.The best part is th e picking itself. Everyone will enjoy it  - if done right.

One of the most important aspects of a day outdoors is the right clothing. October days run the gamut from summery to chilly and sometimes the temps change mid day. Be ready. A nippy day may heat up into one befitting July or August. It's OK to have both jeans, capris and shorts along. Everyone can wear their favorite tee but have a hoodie on hand if you or the little ones start feeling cold. Sneakers or even mocs are a must. Don't let your teens and tweens wear flip flops , no matter how comfortable or cool they feel. It's not safe. Fields have burrs and sharp twigs along with any stray nails left from any construction. Bring sun block too and lip balm.It may be the fall but the sun's rays are still strong and harmful. You can bring hats or visors if you want to protect your head and sunglasses to shield eyes from bright sunlight.Most orchards will supply pickers with bushel baskets or burlap sacks for their bounty. so you don't have to worry about bringing them. Just make sure there's plenty of room in your trunk for apples and whatever else you've picked.

This day out is the perfect day for a picnic. Always bring water along because picking is thirsty work. Juice boxes are a must if there are kids, as are bottles of unsweetened ice tea and sparkling water. Bring a thermos of hot tea, coffee or chocolate if it's a nippy day. You could even fill it with hot soup too. Bring hearty sandwiches along since both the brisk air and all that reaching and walking can work up an appetite.Have Kaiser rolls stuffed with ham and cheese or roast beef.  You can add mayo to them too,now that the weather isn;t sweltering which can spoil the spread. Also pack homemade macaroni and potato salad too to round out the meal.Power bars and pretzels are great snacks to bring along too. Many orchards do have stands that sell hot dogs and soda. Some like Colt's Neck New Jersey's Delicious Orchards show case everything from Serrano ham to fresh baked breads and rolls. Anyone can easily buy their picnic food there and have freshly made customized sandwiches.. The kids may want to snack on their bounty on the ride home. Thoroughly wash all apples before hand with extra bottles of water.

Nothing is more fun than a day of apple picking. Make it truly great and enjoyable with the right gear and a hearty lunch. Then get ready to pick!!!

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