Friday, September 11, 2015

A Day To Help

It's always hard on this day, especially for Americans. We can move on  by dong random acts of kindness and community service. This is the time to think about volunteering at soup kitchens and pantries along with helping our military section.

Again, I can't stress the importance of helping those less fortunate. It also is a good idea to include kids, reminding them how truly lucky they really are.If you can chop, dice, mop and wipe, you're welcome at any kitchen. Donate those extra veggies and fruits from your late summer harvest too.Tomatoes, peppers and squash can go a long way in creating sides and stews. Local farms should think about donating fresh apples and pears to both soup kitchens and food pantries. Also these provide better nutrition and benefits than any packaged treat and teach younger ones about eating right and healthfully.Many cities and towns have meals on wheels which need volunteers. Senior citizen centers also need people as well Food pantries need people too, namely I the form of stockers .If you have time, then think about spending a few hours every week at your town's or church's food bank.

Our military  should also be celebrated. They have had the roughest battle for the last fourteen years. Restaurant owners should have veteran's days where  military and their families can enjoy a free meal or at least a free dessert.Many chain restaurants do offer this or some kinds of discounts.Local heroes should be honored too. If you know one, don't hesitate to bake a cake for him or her or invite to dinner or an early fall barbecue.Our older veterans also deserve that honor and recognition. Buy them a drink at your local VFW, treat them to a doughnut at your local Dunkin Donuts.Invite  them to a dinner  out or a home cooked meal where they  can tell you about their time in service. They'd appreciate it while you receive a section of living history. Another idea is creating goodie boxes for the troops overseas. Pack with homemade cookies and snacks, along with salt and pepper and condiment packets.Please include letters of thanks as well.

September 11th is always a hard day to get through. Yet we can honor those lost by volunteering at soup kitchens or helping our vets.It's a day - a start to make the world just a little bit better.

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