Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Freedom Of Hot Dogs

Happy July 4th everyone! This will be a short Foodie Pantry  because there are fireworks and cupcakes to enjoy!

Enjoy today but remember the freedoms our ancestors and forefathers worked hard for during that hot summer in 1776. Their quest and fight for freedom opened the doors to the immigrants who brought us our culinary  staples, hotdogs and hamburgers from Germany, pizza and spaghetti from Italy , croissants and  coq au vin from France,chow mein and wontons from China, curry and samosas from India , okra and  yams from Nigeria and Ghana, grape leaves from Greece saffron buns from Sweden and Norway, paella and green olives from Spain vodka from  Russia, pierogies from Poland, and tempura and sushi from Japan. every country , every person  has contributed to the  patchwork quilt that is the American diet. Our biggest contributors , of course were the indigenous peoples who , not only sacrificed their land to us but also their crops and hunting methods. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for so many reasons.

Enjoy today! Munch on that dog or burger, wash it down with a beer or a Coke. You have the freedom to do so, thanks to our founding fathers.

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