Monday, July 20, 2015

Eating Through A Summer Virus

What's worst than a summer cold? A summer virus. What's worse than that? Eating through both. It's hard enough trying to stir up an appetite in 100 degree weather, even harder when you just don't feel like eating.

Like a winter cold or virus, it pays to have any kind of  bouillon  cubes, whether they be chicken, beef or vegetarian. They can be turned into a simple broth that can be eaten with crackers or toast. Rice is another must have when you're bitten by a summer bug. Boil it in broth and serve with  a pat of butter or margarine for a light lunch or dinner. If you feel a tad better by dinner, then you can add some fresh cut veggies such as carrots, squash and even tomatoes to give it more flavor and more nutrition. As the appetite returns try a simple congee. This is a rice based porridge or gruel that many Asians eat for breakfast. It can be turned into a light mid day meal or supper by adding bits of  chicken and beef as well as several different kinds of veggies.Another solution is Ramen soup. This is easy to make- especially when you're feeling draggy and can be punched up with a beaten egg. Also pane pesto, Piedmontese breadcrumb soup is not only a snap to make, it's only broth, eggs and breadcrumbs, it is also delicious for coming back from a virus..

What about barbecue? Yes, it makes us smile and it may be good for lifting spirits but not for a virus addled stomach. Stick with a plain grilled chicken breast. Stay away from sugary and gloppy sauces  that can easily cause an upset. Steak is another OK ,if you're craving red meat, but again just season it with  salt and pepper. Save the Worcester and ketchup for when you're feeling better. Greasy meats like pork or strong ones like fish can be avoided. Another green light are hamburgers and hot dogs but again, keep them free of add ons. Stay away from any mayo soaked salads. Stick with tomato slices with just a sprinkle of sea salt. One of the most important things to remember is keep hydrated. Summer viruses have a way of dehydrating a person so liquids are a must. Have  fresh  ginger on the ready to make into a stomach and throat soothing tea. Any cola is good , simply because it soothes the stomach.  Chilled ginger ale and ginger beer are also good to have too.Too dehydrated? Then  have a bottle of  Gatorade to sip.

Any summer bug is a bummer. Muddle through it with a light diet, full of simple and nutritious foods along with soothing drinks. They'll make you feel better during these steamy days.

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