Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Humidity Diet

The humidity this time of year can be debilitating.It can leave you weak and loggy, ready to take a day long  nap instead of enjoying a summery day. Changing your diet can help tremendously .Doing such can help get you through these tropical times.

Ice cream would naturally be considered a treat when the temps reach the nineties.Yet it's one of the worst foods to have. Any sugar or cow's milk should be avoided.If you want something cold and refreshing think Italian ice,preferably the sugar free ones. If not , then just ice  cold bottled water with a squeeze of lemon or lime can do the trick to refresh. Oily and fried foods are another taboo. It may be easy to just order out burgers and fries along with a Coke but there's a price to pay afterwards.Also you may be tempted just to grill a steak or lamb chop too. Don't. Rich meats also affect your body. Try poached fish or steamed tofu in place or ribs or chicken wings. Any wheat product is also bad too so lay off those cookies and doughnuts.. One of the worst offenders is salt. As we all know it makes us retain water and bloating is the last thing anyone needs. Sea salt isn't as bad a culprit as regular table salt, but it is still salt. Go very easy with it. A tiny tiny pinch is all you need to flavor a dish.

What should you eat?Foods that keep the  moisture out of your body.Summer vegetables are here for a reason. Some of the best to eat are asparagus and cucumber along with summer squash and zucchini. Asparagus is great steamed  and cut into pieces  for a salad. Zucchini can be used in a ratatouille with tomatoes  for a tasty dinner. Cruciferous veggies such as arugula bok choy, cauliflower are also good to eat as are mustard greens, napa cabbage , radish and watercress. Think about a arugula salad graced with watercress and raw cauliflower. Napa cabbage can be made into a tangy Asian slaw with a light dressing of olive oil and ginger. Watercress salad is a nice alternative to regular Cobb lettuce.Try it with feta (a recommended dairy product OK to eat during these hot muggy days) and beets.If you're craving some kind of snack then think goat cheese on rice crackers or a fruity yogurt parfait layered with almonds . Berries also make a good treat because like other suggested fruits such as lemons and grapefruit.If the grapefruit is too tart then sprinkle stevia or the lesser sweet brown sugar on top.

Fight humidity with eating the right foods. You'll feel fresher and definitely more alive. Enjoy every summer day  without feeling draggy and tired.

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