Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thanks Heavens For Trans Fat Bans

America's diet is about to get so much better - and healthier. Trans fats are going to be banned from processed food and that means much healthier eating - and snacking, It also means no more worries about what we eat either. There will be no more qualms or guilt about trying a slice of pizza or cupcake.

Trans fat is nothing new. we've been ingesting it for millennia , namely in beef, lamb and butterfat. However with the mass production of food in the 20th Century the substance was used fried and baked foods.Stick margarine and other spreads also have it  as well. Trans fat gives flavor and extended shelf life along with creating havoc with our cholesterol.It raises the bad cholesterol LDL and lowers the good HDL type. Having a steady diet of this fiend  increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.Before this ban , the responsibility fell upon us to monitor how much we took in.Now tht's all changing. It's not go wild with Twinkies and fries,It;s now you can eat them without too much worry.it also means don't abandon your diet of healthy grains, fruits and vegetables. As we all know , the less junk you eat the better.

The ban will take three years to phase out all trans fats.There will be some protests. Many food companies rely on the goo for their products however some companies have already taken it out of their foods.Dunkin Donuts has removed it completely as has Long John Silver's and Mc Donald's. Starbucks ' cakes cookies and doughnuts don't have any either. Without trans fats food will get Staler quicker as well as lose some of their deliciousness.

Going trans fat free is going to change lives and diets. We'll be eating much healthier and feeling much better. The best part we won't have to give up our beloved sweets and snacks

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