Monday, May 25, 2015

Buy A Serviceperson A Meal

Today is Memorial Day and while we remember the ones who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, we should also remember the living soldiers, sailors,Marines and Air Force. There are so many ways to do this, and one of the nicest ways is through a doesn't have to be something elaborate (although that would be nice). A hamburger at their favorite burger joint would work, or a lobster roll at the town lobster and crab shack is  just a very small way of saying thank you. If they have kids, then get them a coupon book from Wendy's or McDonald's. Treat the older veterans to coffee and a breakfast at the local diner. Volunteer cooking skills and baking skills at your local VFW.

Treat those brave men and women to something - just a very small token of gratitude for their dedication to protecting this country.A  cup of coffee or a burger from a favorite eatery is just a way of saying thanks.

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