Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bourbon The Fire Of Kentucky

Today is the annual Kentucky Derby and with it comes toasts  made with - what else- Kentucky bourbon.It is  a fiery drink that sworks in everything from cocktails, to mains dishes to desserts.Of course if's excellent straight up neat, that is if you can handle its' potent kick.

How the liquor was name is somewhat of a controversy.It could have been from the Kentucky county or from Bourbon Street in New Orleans. It's not really associated with the French dynasty of the same name although the county and the street probably are. Its' orgiins are also shrouded in a bit of mystery.Bourbon's invention is attributed to Baptist minister and distiller Elijah Craig.That honor  could also go to James C Crow who came up with the sour mash fermentation, a process where each new fermentation is conditioned with spent mash (sort of like sourdough).The brew is a mixture of rye, and malted barley.The fermented mash has to be 51  per  cent  corn in order to be considered bourbon,It is then put through a continuous still which are two stills placed side by side. However this doens't always produce the best tasting spirits so one of the most traditional methods , the alembic or pot still,a giant copper bell shaped still,  that is heated to 172 degrees Farenheit. The resulting clear spirit is then placed in newly charred American oak barrels for aging. This give bourbon its' color and flavor from the carmelized sugars in the wood. After maturing, it is then withdrawn from the barrel and usually filtered and diluted with is then bottled , ready for distribution.

Bourbon is famously known for being the key ingredient in a mint julep, the official drink of the Derby. This is not only perfect to sip while watching the race , it also makes a cool summer cocktail.It is bourbon  with fresh mint leaves  that have been muddled with sugar and water. Manhattans also have the spirit as the lead ingredient.along with sweet vermouth and bitters. Bourbon can also be used in maing whiskey sours,, a grown up version of lemonade  and Old Fashioneds, a mix of bourbon with bitters.Bourbon can also be used in both savory and sweet recipes. Try a ham with a sweet bourbon glaze or a pork tenderloin with a spirit infused gravy.  Bourbon adds zing and depth to any barbecue sauce and you can also use it to glaze chicken wings .Some affectionados will even add it to chili to give the dish another dimension. It's also used in many Southern dessert recipes.It cuts the overwhelming sweetness of pecan pie when it's added to the filling.Bread  pudding takes on a smokier, earthier flavor when the liquor is mixed into it. Then there is bourbon balls and bourbon fudge. These are easy to whip up and make great gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

Bourbon is definitely the fire and lifeblood of Kentucky. Have it neat as a bracing drink at a party or in a summery mint julep. Add it to barbecue sauce for a new twist on classic ribs and wings or make traditional Southern desserts with it. Discover this fascinating brew and get creative with it.

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