Monday, March 9, 2015

Your Spring Diet

In a couple of weeks it will be Spring.That means getting rid of those heavy winter foods and adapting a better and greener diet.Those marshmallow filled hot cocoas and gravy laden dinners were good when the snow was falling and everyone was craving comfort foods. However it's time for healthier foods to help you when you're at your most active.

Warmer weather means more activities. This means energy boosting foods such as salads and veggie based dishes.Lunches can be salads, packed with  both different vegetables and meats.Keep away from the heavy dressings and opt for lighter ones like a lemon vinaigrette. Also cut down on those croutons and try heart healthy add in such as almonds or Craisins.These are both low calorie and energy boosters along with being chock full of antioxidants. Make veggies the main part of the dinner too. You can still have hot meals  but make them without gravy or stuffing. Think fun burritos stuffed with tofu, tomatoes and spinach. Have it with a zesty salsa instead of sour cream and of course guacamole. Ratatouille is another great spring meal to whip up. (although the summer version with garden fresh veggies is the best).This is a mélange of tomatoes, eggplants , onions and pepperscooked in garlic and oil. Serve with a crusty whole wheat baguette to sop up the juices. As for meats stick with fish or chicken, grilled or steamed. You can insert tofu in once or twice a week too.

One bad winter habit is snacking. This was a bad winter , full of days when most of us ate like crazy., Unfortunately most of us ate all the wrong things, from too many cookies to too many chips.Now is the time to change to good for you munchies. Try baked potato chips such as Pop chips. Stick to bags of popcorn or pretzels as opposed to regular chips and dips. Another idea is try making homemade kale or Brussels sprout chips using fresh or frozen vegetables. Get into the habit of eating more fruit. The days of spending a snowy day baking chocolate chips are over. Instead make a varied fruit salad with pears apples , grapes  and bananas. Citrus is still popular so include an orange into your diet two or three times  week.Beverages become light too. Try the new BAI5 and BAI Bubbles which are only five (!) calories each. These are tasty and fruity, perfect  when chilled, for those late Spring days when the temps rise. You can still have coffee, just nix the whipped cream and chocolate add ins.Sertle for a tall glass of iced black instead. Instead of sugar pour in a small amount of agave nectar for sweetening.

Spring is coming and with it  a slew of activities that require a lot of energy. Keep up with them by eating healthier and lighter. Banish those heavy winter foods and start eating and drinking good for you meals and snacks. The new diet will make you burst with a new vitality.

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