Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Healthy Saint's Paddy's Day

Today is St. Patrick's Day , a day dedicated to eating Irish food and drinking endless gallons of green beer.some may think it unhealthy however some Gaelic dishes are actually good for you . The Irish have always been big defenders of farm to table and locavore dining long before it became friendly.

One of the hallmarks of Irish cuisine is that it is fresh.Butter and cream come from nearby creameries throughout the island. There is fresh free range beef and lamb that are free of hormones and antibiotics.Yes there is the potato but there is also cabbage a true superfood.It is great for lowering cholesterol thanks in part to fiber. This binds with bile acids  which are then easily excreted. This lowers cholesterol.Cabbage does have to be steamed, though and not boiled for this to happen. It also has phyto chemicals that help in preventing colon , prostrate and bladder cancers. You can also have red cabbage too or Savoy  and these are rich in antioxidants,Red cabbage is an excellent source of Vitamins K and C and should be eaten on a regular basis.Corned beef,   surprisingly has some health benefits too..As with any red meat it's an excellent source of protein as well as B vitamins, zinc and thiamin. Remember it is also high in fat so just one serving will do.

Potatoes are another dish well associated with the Emerald Isle, although originally from South America.Everyone thinks they're bad for you but that's because they're either deep fried or served with tons of butter and sour cream.However  they are beneficial in preserving brain and nerve tissue.The skins contain quercitin which stops inflammation such as arthritis. Spuds are also good for bone,and heart health as well as lowering blood pressure.They can be cooked with another superfood kale to create a Gaelic classic , colcannon.This is made with milk and cream along with butter but you can sub in skim milk for whole.Seaweed is also a part of the Irish diet. In fact it was eaten during the Great Famine of 1850 when the  potato crop died out.This was dulse , and carrageen moss which are now considered super foods. Dulse is an excellent natural sauce of iodine along with being high in iron, and potassium. Carrageen moss is excellent for skin and hair along with for reduce respiratory problems. It is rich in Vitaimns A,E, F and K, along with be saturated with calcium, potassium and sulphur. Eat it to combat eczema problems and bouts with psoriasis.

Irish foods are healthy and good for you. Celebrate Saint Patrick's day with a healthy dose of corned beef and cabbage. Throw in some spuds , dulse and carrogeen moss to round it out. And, yes you can end it with a big mug of green beer!

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