Saturday, January 31, 2015

Your Super Bowl Checklist

By now most Super Bowl party hosts have their menu raring and ready to go. However there's always that last niggling must have, Before you even marinate a wing or slice a bun stop and ask yourself. What have I missed?Is there anything I need to get or get more of?

One of the most popular items for the Big Game is the avocado. Millions of them are going to be used in making endless gallons of guacamole dip. Unfortunately these  little  alligator or gator pears  can be divas. The ripest ones should always go into making guac. These should be a deep forest green in color and slightly soft to the touch. However some hosts just quickly grab them , not testing for ripeness.That's why you should have a few extra ones in case there are still unripe ones. Cut them to see their firmness.If they're too hard then toss them back in the fridge and add to a mid week salad when they're a bit more mature..The same goes for  the other ingredient tomato. Have  extras on hand just in case there a re some rotten or not ripened ones. Also make sure you have enough for your guests. There's always a chance for a second bowl. The same goes for other dips as well. Get plenty of sour cream and Greek yogurt. Don't worry if you have extra. You can always use them in cooking or even baking. Hot snacks are another care altogether. Everyone loves any hot treat and some fans can wolf down those nibbles faster than a quarterback  running with a pigskin. .Have double boxes of mini pizzas, pigs in blankets, cheese puffs along with mini sliders and baby crab cakes. Also make sure you have plenty of condiments to go with all of them too.

For those barbecue lovers, check your inventory.There should be plenty of briquettes and wood to sustain you to the Jimmy Fallon show after the Super Bowl. Also you should have extra ribs and burgers just in case party crashers  show up or the meats wind up getting super grilled. Run out tonight if you don't have enough ingredients for marinades and rubs. It's twenty four hours before the event. There's still plenty of prep time left. Sides are another thought. Do you have enough cabbage to make cole slaw for thirty? What about those frozen ears of corn or cornbread for chili. Now is the time to do last minute food shopping.While your are your grocery, think about other inventory too. Is there enough soda and water to sustain a crowd? Do you have enough beer or wine? Get extra tableware too. Let's face it some people are fussy and want a new fork with every new plate of food. Stock up now  on those as well as on napkins and paper towels.Buy extra boxes of wet naps if you're serving ribs and wings. You don't want to spend Monday morning cleaning off greasy and sticky  fingerprints from everything in your house.

As with every party or gathering, just be prepared.Having extras around cuts down on hassles and shortages of a favorite food. Think about what you need and get It now. You want to spend Super Bowl Sunday watching the game, not last minute food or drink shopping.

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