Monday, January 26, 2015

Blizzard Basics

Most of New York , New Jersey and even Connecticut are going through Lola, the mega blizzard of 2015. The last few days have been crazy at our local supermarkets as everyone prepares for this behemoth of a storm. Surprisingly a lot of people don't; know how to shop for one.They figure a day in eating snacks and baking slice and bake cookies but its' much more than that. Multi purpose and versatile basics need to be bought .

Bread , milk and eggs are always the three items that always go first. People tend to gravitate towards these, and they are versatile. After all these are the three ingredients needed to make French toast,- a great breakfast after an hour of shoveling. However they're all versatile on their own. Bread can be used to make sandwiches and grilled cheeses but it can also be used as a layer for strata that egg based casserole. Stale bread can be cubed and fried to make croutons .If you feel ambitious you can even make homemade stuffing with it. Eggs can be used for everything from soups to even sauces. Hard boiled eggs make a good snack and provide much needed protein to combat an unshovelled driveway. Milk again is another multiuse food. Use it for real old fashioned hot cocoa but also try it to make delicious cream soups  as well as in batters for both sweet and savory dishes. Add lemon juice to it to create buttermilk if you want buttermilk pancakes or buttermilk dressing.

Other blizzard must haves are pancake  and waffle mix, especially if you have kids.It's an instant breakfast and can feed a lot. Also there's nothing like starting off  a snowy day with fresh , homemade waffles. Pasta should already be in your pantry . Again this is a versatile staple that can be made with tomato sauce , Oriental sauces and veggies or just plain and buttered for a simple evening supper.Boullion cubes are another must. Everyone loves a good homemade soup, whether it has a beef, chicken or veggie base. There's also so much to make from a simple stock. If you're not that ambitious then get a variety of canned soups to accommodate everyone's tastes.Have the freezer stocked too (and if the blizzard knocks your electricity out, just remember it's winter. Store stuff in your car  or shed). Margarine and butter should be on the ready as is olive oil.Another should have are ingredients for stews. Stews are easy to make, and filling. They can also be reheated for two days of eating. Make dumplings for even heartier fare. Water should also be a stock up however  you ca n boil snow for drinking water if need be.Just makes sure it's fresh  fallen and white.

don't be phased by Lola. Instead be prepared foodwise for a few days indoors and away from the supermarket.Yoiu can get through this, well fed with good , homemade and nutritious food.

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