Friday, November 7, 2014

A Toast Of Scallops

This is for you ,Eunice

A good friend of the family loved scallops. She ordered them at almost every restaurant we went to , and there were a lot of places we dined at . It was her signature dish. Scallops are a wonderful and varied dish that even novice home chefs can make. They can be dressed up for a holiday meal or served just with butter and a vegetable on the side. If you haven't discovered them , now is the time to do so.

The scallop itself is one of the more  complicated bivalves. However it is relatively simple dish to prepare.The  first step is selecting them. The most common kind of scallops is dry packed or diver caught. You can buy deep sea or bay scallops, the last is smaller and noticeably sweeter in taste. whatever kind you buy, look at the flesh. It should be a uniform pearly white, with firm slightly moist flesh, They shouldn't be completely dry or dripping with moisture. Avoid ones that look mangled or shredded. These have been manhandled and also indicate a lack of freshness.Never get frozen scallops. These are tasteless and way too chewy.Most home chefs buy about one and a half pounds for four people. If you're planning a party, divide the amount of guests by four and then times the 1.5 to get the exact amount for entertaining. Prepping them is a snap. Just rinse under cold water. Rip off the side muscle with your thumb and forefinger. It's no big deal if they can't come off. You can eat these little meat flaps  as well.

One of the best known scallop dishes is Coquilles Saint Jacques.This is a creamy custard like dish that features the seafood poached first  and is usually served in ramekins.It is an elegant dish to be served at candlelit . You can also pan sear them, which is popular in restaurants these days. Melt a little butter or olive oil in a frying pan. Sear on both sides just enough to give them a golden crust. To get an extra crispy crust  make sure they are completely dry (pat them several times with paper towels before cooking). Salt them at the very last moment. Grilling is the same method. Scallops can also be poached. Use a court bouillion which is a mix of a bouquet garni, or mix of herbs and a mirepoix of carrots, celery , onions and leeks..You can serve this with a side of rice or buttered pasta for a basic yet surprisingly classy dish.For a heartier dish , try them with corn in a thick chowder.It also has the tang of bacon too for a dash of smokiness.Serve them with pasta and peas and a sprinkling of bread crumbs.An Oriental spin would be scallops with orange and snow peas.

Our friend loved scallops so much, that they were a big part of her life. They are a treat to the palate, a true gift from the sea. discover them and how good they are.

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