Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Quiet Autumn Meal

The holidays are here and with it comes all the stresses and agita of cooking and eating large.One of the best cures is just a quiet lunch or dinner.Make a simple meal with just simple ingredients. .Consider it a palate cleanser as well as a retreat during these crazy days, If you have free time, and you may after the holidays, nix the malls and big box stores for nature.If your area hasn't been hit by the lake effect, head to your local park or favorite nature spot ,and enjoy a turkey sandwich and thermos of hot tea.The solitude is great and you can enjoy a lunch without any noises.It's a chance to cleanse your mind .You'll even be more relaxed and that will reflect on your digestion.You won't gobble food down, distracted by family and friends.Also leave your phone in the car.That alone brings way too many distractions.Sit.Savor your sandwich's taste. After treat yourself to an apple or a pear.Don't bring a slice of leftover pie or cookies.They're too rich and too sugary.You want something just plain, not fancy .If you want something more bring some walnuts, pecans or almonds. this is a nice ,simple end.If you can't get away for lunch, then take a weekend afternoon and have a simple snack .Again, a hot herbal tea is good with shortbread cookies are always a treat.If the weather is bad, then retreat to whoever is your sanctuary. Brew up your favorite chai or herbal blend, and enjoy it with your favorite book or even poetry collection.If you feel peckish ,simple water crackers are a nice side.Stay away from chips and dips.You'll be devouring plenty of those in the weeks to come. What could be a memorable highlight of your holiday season? A simple meal of meat and veggies with no distractions. keep the rich sauces off the table.Think about just a roast chicken or London Broil with a side of green beans, succotash or just plain corn kernels with melted butter or margarine.Ask the kids to tone it down or make a game of who can be the most quiet eater.If it's the weekend,consider a homemade minestrone or chicken noodle soup with some Saltines.Also if you"re used to spending the weekends eating out, eat in for a change.Again stick with simplicity",If you don't feel like cooking just buy a rotisseries chicken from your supermarket and serve it with a plain green salad.Ban cakes and cookies, too much sugar will make the kids hyper, not what you need after a week of work and holiday shopping.Savor the simplicity of the gathering and being together, the old fashioned way.Simple food, simple conversation.It's a refreshing throw back to when life and eating was not as complex as it is today. We all need that quiet autumn meal to recharge our batteries and to give our over used palate a rest.Enjoy a slice of plain beef or chicken with some green beans. Watch wildlife as you munch on a sandwich and drink hot herbal tea.Do whatever you can to ensure a culinary respite from over rich over savory holiday foods.

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