Saturday, October 4, 2014

Truvia Brown Sugar Tastes So Good.

Fall is the time for baking tasty treats.Unfortunately those are laced with sugar and calories galore.The problem is if you make them without sugar or even a sugar substitute, you sacrifice flavor.The sweetener company Truvia has now come up with a brand new brown sugar blend.Home bakers can make the same sweets as they did before.This time they're not threatening to anyone's diet. The company is known for its use of the stevia plant and turning it into a healthier form of sweetener.It contains the plant and erythritol, a form of sugar alcohol that causes little or no side effects.It can be used in everything from sweetening tea to creating baked goods and desserts. Now with the introduction of the brown sugar blend more home chefs can try it out while providing their families with healthier dishes .This is a great sugar substitute.It provides as much as seventy five per cent less calories than the real deal..It has the taste and gives the baked products the same crumbly texture as the one hundred per cent kind.Another good point about it is that you only have to use half of the sugar needed.One half cup of the Truvia blend equals one cup of brown sugar.Truvia also has some good recipes with the brown sugar blend. Try it when making sweet acorn squash recipe that has a hollowed out squash filled with a mix of the blend and butter.Of course you can make some yummy baked treats like blondies, chews and shortbreads.It would also male a great glaze for baked ham whether on it's own or mixed with mustard. If you have any of your own recipes that involve both white and brown sugar, send them with your two minute long how to video to Truvia's Baking Star contest.It's open until Tuesday October 7th.You can then vote for yourself or others" recipes between October 15 and October 29th.Shortly after that the winners will be notified that they have whom an all expense paid trip to New York City.The final prize is the Truvia Baking Star Contest title after showing the judges, You Tube stars tasting and rating. their winning recipes.With Truvia you can go wild.The brown sugar let's home bakers try some traditional autumn recipes such has the brown sugar cake with brown sugar and butter sauce or a brown sugar Bundt cake. The regular Truvia is great for everything from simple loaf cakes to buttercream frostings.As with any baking contest be creative.Originality always stands out and wins, so keep that in mind . Truvia brown sugar has come put vat just the perfect time.Create yummy baked treats or savory dishes with a kick.If you think you've got the right one ,then enter it in the company's baking contest.You may be a winner already,

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