Thursday, October 2, 2014

Little Vegans, Big Ideas

Getting kids to eat is always a tricky feat.Some days they"ll scarf up anything from a baloney sandwich to a cold Tater Tot.Some little ankle biters can be picky.For parents the worst is when the or seven or eight year old turns- gasp- vegan.What does one do ? Go with the meatless flow, of course. This was an interesting article in yesterday's New York Times Dining section.New Dining section contributor Paul explored this as she dealt with her own young vegan's demands and questions.Surprisingly enough a growing percentage of kids between the ages of eight and eighteen are going not only meatless but dairy and egg free as well according to a 2004 poll.A decade later it still is the same thanks to the refining of soy and quorn product as well as the vast variety of different products.The writer herself gave up red meat at the age of fourteen ,due to squeamishness.She happened upon the meat locker in the Turkish restaurant where she worked.Her daughter, like others, may have happened upon those anti meat and fur pamphlets given out at street fairs and grocery markets.She also has eschewed sugar and non organic fruits.It should elicit a good response from adults although some may find her just obnoxious.However , thanks to all the diseases out there today , a healthy,pure diet is probably the best for any school age child. Eating nutrient packed veggies and fruits, along with legumes, will protect them against minor colds and sore throats as well as giving them the armor, so to speak, to deal with the more serious viruses floating around out here. The meatless transition is a relatively easy one.Vegan copies of different meats are everywhere.There are so many different varieties of veggie burgers.Kids can choose from the black bean type to the Italian Parmesan style.There are also chicken nuggets that could stand in for the real deal along with hotdogs that can pass for Nathan's.If the mini non meat eaters have their own recipes, then use them.Ms .Paul delighted in one her daughter"s ,a Rosemary infused white bean dip.She also has relied on her Bean By Bean cookbook ,that the younger Paul found and dusted off.There are several good vegan cook books out there.Dr.Mayim Bialik. known for playing Amy Farrah Fowler on "The Big Bang Theory came out with a comprehensive no meat, no dairy and no eggs cookbooks.Even the meat loving kids will fight over her broccoli chips or creamy enchilada casserole.Dr.Bialik's recipes are healthy but also great fun.They not only would be fine for dinner but excellent at any birthday party.Parents should keep in mind that the transition ,usually goes well forcsome kids, but not all.Don't force the others of your brood to go cold turkey. Ease them into the lifestyle, using tasty and fun recipes but don't make a big deal of it.Usually when they see an older sibling eat something different, they will want to try it.Also don't turn your kitchen into a restaurant where one meal could have three different main dishes.If they don't like the dinner's star course, let them eat the sides. Veganism is a great lifestyle to adapt no matter what your age is.If your child wants to embark on this lifestyle encourage him or her.It's a step in the right direction.

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