Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Start A School Pantry

School is starting (and has started in most of the Midwest).All schools provide a lunch and some even supply a relatively nutritious breakfast.However what happens after school is not an easy A.Many kids come from families that can't afford even cold cuts and bread for a simple sandwich.There is a solution.Start a school food pantry. This is not a new idea.Many schools are looking into this.Kids have admitted to their mentors that their parents just can't afford to put food on the table.Even though unemployment rates have dropped somewhat, there are still adults throughout the US that have no income or were forced to get low paying jobs.Teachers have stepped up and contributed canned items as well as produce for those less fortunate.It's coming out of their meager salaries.Their students now have three square meals a day plus the healthy snack of fruit.This means better concentration when they're working on homework and reports.This is one of the best idea however it should not just be up to the educators.School officials as well as town councils should institute this in those needy schools within their district. Any school can start a food pantry.The school should also reach out to local churches and farms as well as groups such as The Elks and Unico along with local restaurants.Care packages can also be made up, with two or three cans of soup, cold cuts , milk ,a mix of vegetables and fruits along with bread and different mixes.Another idea is having school suppers where a hot meal is guaranteed.The suppers can also be open to teachers and school staff as well.It is a great way of introducing parents to their kids' educators.A group dinner is also a good way of families sitting down together and sharing.There could even be a Saturday lunch too, maybe even in the form of a picnic during the fall and also again in the Spring.Older kids can volunteer to help prepare or set up.There can even be a holiday food pantry, with holiday baskets made up of tins of veggies, cranberry sauce, along with stuffing mix and jarred gravy. Another idea is special birthday baskets for the kids whose parents are struggling to give a memorable day.These can be packed with cake mix and canned frosting.A small toy or book can be put into it as well. Hunger is our kids ' greatest enemy.Three meals not only contribute to a child's growth and health but also to their brain development and concentration.This means paying attention in class and focusing on what kids should be focusing on, lessons and playtimes, not hunger or foraging for food.

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