Friday, August 1, 2014

Your Fridge On Holiday

This is the height of the vacation season.Even your kitchen gets a holiday when you're away,,well, sort of gets time off.Your fridge will still be working.However food still will go bad if it's not being used.Before you pack your bags, clean out your refrigerator. Fridges and even freezers are usually crammed full, even during the summer.The best bet is to decide what needs to be tossed and what needs to stay.One of the most spoilable is milk.You can drink it use it in recipes or bring it with you if you have a cooler.If you run out of it a day or two before vacation, then buy Parmalat, the boxed and sealed milk.It also comes in smaller boxes, but this can be used for cereal too.Sour cream and yogurts can stay however, if they're unopened.Remind everyone in the family to not put their half eaten yogurt snacks back in the fridge.Try to share them before you go.Luckily eggs have a longer shelf life and can last anywhere from a month to six weeks in a cold environment.If you have cracked eggs, use them right away or you'll come back to an ice box that smells like a sulphur pit.Cold cuts, that hot weather staple, can last about thee or four days, especially if you got them fresh from the deli.Eat them if they're still good.If not, toss. Many home chefs keep their fruit , vege and even herbs in their refrigerator. Peaches and plums can last five days before rotting. .This also applies for berries too.Bananas keep for about a week.Luckily fruit makes a great snack or dessert so you can get rid of it quick.Tomatoes and other veggies last a week too,but again you can get rid of them too.Make BLTs or tomato sandwiches to use up not only the veggies but any leftover bacon ,bread and mayo.Herbs can keep only for a few days before losing their flavor.Again any green from basil to dill can be used in a variety of hot and cold dishes.Use basil as a topping in mini pizzas. Put the dill to good use in a variety of store-bought or homemade salads.You can even make foil packets and bring the herbs with you on vacation.As for the canned and bottled stuff, they're good as long as the lids are tightly screwed on.It is good to be prepared for a power shortage when you're away.Give a spare house key to a friend or relative to check the fridge after a power outage.Tell them to throw put anything that has an odor.Also have them check the freezer and have them Ro Chuck anything that's been melted and refrozen. Your fridge will still be working hard while the rest of your kitchen takes a much deserved rest..Make it easy though by cleaning it out.You"ll come back rested with a fridge that had a holiday on it's own.

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