Friday, August 8, 2014

Pitstop Picnics

This is the time of year when everyone hits the road for their vacay destination. With that comes food and rest stops. These are a big help because it recharges everyone 's batteries, especially for the chief driver.There's nothing like a restorative drink and meal or snacks before a long haul. Most roadways like New Jersey's Turnpike and our Garden State Parkway have rest stops with a variety of fast food joints.These are quick , a somewhat adequate replacement to packing a lunch or even dinner.Eating healthy here can be achieved however.If there's an Italian style one such as SBbarros then order pizza or pasta.These are about the healthiest and most nutritious.There are also burger places such as McDonald's or Burger King. Try their burgers or Burger King's veggie burger..As for extras, a side salad would be better than fries.There's usually an area when you can buy bottled water(stay away from the energy drinks (they"ll only dehydrate you) and packaged snacks.Go here for the bottled water(and definitely stock up on this for the trip) along with pretzels and almonds.There's usually a Starbucks or Cinnabon gracing these rest area's too.Yes ,a frosty whipped cream and syrup topped latte is treat however stick to plain black iced coffee or iced tea.These are better for you and have less calories.Better stay clear of the baked goods,opting instead for an apple or banana. The best fuel at a pit stop are the sandwiches and salads you make at home and bring along.Your family can have salads along with cold cuts. This last can be bought at your supermarket's deli counter.One, the meat is actually cheaper than the packaged stuff and two, there's not that many nitrates in the curing process.Buy different kinds to satisfy everyone's tastes.If there's any leftovers .repackage them and store them in your cooler for later at the motel or hotel.You can pre make the sandwiches and individually wrap them or bring bring a loaf of French and Italian bread,and make the sandwiches fresh.Some outdoor rest stops have grills and you can make fresh grilled hot dogs and burgers you have the time too.Salads are always welcome and you can drizzle them with oil and vinegar instead of mayo which can go bad if not properly refrigerated.Try a Cole slaw an apple cider vinegar dressing or just olive oil and basil for a tomato and mozzarella salad.Have nips or mini bottles of juice , iced tea and water for drinking.Snacking could be pretzels along with fruit and those low calorie cookie packs.All travel well and better than some of the junk that the stops offer. A pitstop picnic is always fun and always restorative.Eat and drink healthy on these .You'll feel more refreshed and ready to tackle the next leg of your journey.

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