Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dining For One

Being single does have it's advantages, especially in the kitchen.You can make what you want when you want.You can also splurge on expensive ingredients and have it with a good wine or even champagne.That's the joy of dining for one. Eating alone can always mean sticking with favorites.One of my culinary specials is filet mignon with bagna calda sauce.This last is a blend of anchovies, butter ,oil and garlic ,cooked with the meat.It's a wonderful blend of flavors, both briny and earthy.The dish is just pure heaven.I can never make this for my friends because they have a strong aversion to the fish.(I can't even order anchovy pizza except when I'm on my own).The same applies to surprisingly enough, kale.Forget making kale chips for any kind of get togethers.Yet it's one of my favorite vegetables. Luckily I have a family who enjoys this vitamin rich veggie and enjoys both kale and Brussel sprouts chips.A splurge is usually expensive.If that's the case, wait until your supermarket has a sale or is offering coupons.You can also use alternatives.For my indulgence, it doesn't always have to be filet mignon.It could even be flank steak or beef tips. What happens if your splurge is a good chocolate chip or oatmeal cookie? What about if you crave a slice of red velvet cake? Many people find buying the whole box or cake too much.It's all that effort and time just for one slice.Bakeries can help that, with offering bigger size of your favorites.Grocery stores are now offering individual sliced cake served in a size appropriate plastic container.As for A one chocolate, many candy stores like Rocky Mountain sell individual pieces like the chocolate covered Oreos and graham crackers.If you're craving ganache or fudge, you could make those yourself. There are a million recipes on the web regarding them and you can use primo ingredients like Dutch cocoa and French butter as ingredients.What about chocolate fondue for one? It can be done and you can have a ball dipping anything and everything into it.Another great aspect of eating alone is there 's no one to shame you if you exceed your calorie count or go off your diet for a super banana split or a bottomless ice cream soda. Dining for one can be fun.You can treat yourself to all sorts of fun dishes and desserts.Best of all you don't have to share.It's all yours!

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