Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Your Vacation Kitchen Check List

Many people are heading to their vacation homes right now.Nothing beat a getaway in a private house., whether owned or rented.One of the best things is having your own kitchen.This is great in providing your family with fresh food and freshly cooked meals. However in order to make it a holiday ,make sure that your getaway kitchen is fully stocked with all sorts of supplies. Many second home owners usually make sure that their kitchen appliances is in working order by opening up their homes in May.However pots and pans along with tools are left ignored. Recheck everything. Handles may be loose so a new pot or pan may have to be bought.Don't go wild thoughamd run to the nearest department store for an expensive replacement. Many shore towns have supermarkets that sell all sorts of kitchen must haves .Also make sure you have plates and utensils(although if you want to take it easy, use the sturdier Chinet paper plates and bowls along with dollar store knives, forks and spoons)If you're staying by the ocean, then have lobster crackers and seafood forks.If you're big on grilling, then just have a hibachi or a simple grill.Some vacation rentals are lucky to have a microwave.This is great for making popcorn for those rainy days or for reheating leftovers from eating out in local restaurants.If you want you can bring an electric mixer from home or purchase one locally.Again don't go wild and get a fancy one.Another idea is going old school and just using forks and spoons for beating eggs and batter.Some of the most important tools to bring are a spatula,an all purpose knife and a spaghetti spoon along with a wooden spoon and ladle..Again if you forget any of these, check local supermarkets or even the dollar store where you are for them. As for staples, flour is always good to have.This can be used to make pancakes, or even batter for fried fish chicken.Eggs are a must have too because you can use them for breakfast but also as an ingredient in other dishes.For the kids milk and juice are better choices than soda(and they'll have plenty of that when they"re on the Boardwalk or at the amusement park)Take advantage of local farms.Here you can buy fresh tomatoes perfect for primavera sauces,along with fresh picked corn.These farms also sell peaches,blueberries and strawberries, perfect snacks to noshonat the beach or by the lake.Farms also have just baked pies and breads which are always a nice treat.A shore holiday also means seafood.Buy lobster and cod along with crabs from neighborhood sellers.They may also have clams and mussels too.These last are versatile, being perfect roasted, or steamed. Even though it is a holiday, try to eat properly.Try to stay away from too many fast food joints and treats.Eating where're your staying ensures that everyone will not overload on junk and ruin their digestive systems A rental or second home kitchen should also be part of a fun getaway.Make sure that yours is not only fully stocked with good and healthy food but with working appliances.There's nothing like enjoying a barbecue or seafood pasta prepared in a well working kitchen. make sure that yours sin this condition for a dream vacation full of good food and easy cooking.

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