Friday, July 4, 2014

A Thoughtful Fourth

Happy Independence Day to my American readers at home and abroad.For those enjoying it at home, use this day not only to celebrate but what you can do to make your life and community better.It may be eating more veggies at the barbecue or cutting down on the ice cream cones.For your community it could be growing and harvesting fruit and vegetables to take down to your local food bank. Be grateful for our freedoms to do whatever we like.Remember to honor all those servicemen ,from past wars and current conflict.Treat our veterans and families out with a special dinner or a gift certificate to their favorite restaurants.Have welcome home parties if they want those, celebrating with burgers and dogs,pitchers of cold beer and hot roasted ears of corn.Listen to their stories as you sip a cold lemonade or iced tea on the front porch or backyard patio. For my American readers abroad , keep safe .Enjoy your all those amazing creations but remember to sneak in a hot dog or some potato salad every now and then. Above all celebrate this great country and the contributions we've made, big and small to the culinary world.

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