Monday, June 30, 2014

Your Best Summer Friend - Water

Hot weather brings about thirst.That's a given.We reach for all sorts of cooling quenchers from cola flavored Slushies to all sorts of fruit infused teas and juices.Yet the best liquid is the simplest.Water.We need it as much as we need sunscreen and bug repellent during these ,sweltering months. Everyone should be in the habit of drinking Adam's ale. (and yes ,this is a cute but accurate description) Humans need water , especially now with the high temps.We can last a month without food but only a week without water.It is needed for lubricating vital organs as well as eliminating wastes from the body.It regulates our body temperatures,and keeps our eyes, mouths and noses moist.If you notice that your urine is a dark yellow or that you seem to be getting a lot of headaches , then you're probably dehydrated. Surprisingly drinking too much water can be bad as well.The condition is called hyponatremia where too much ingested water causes cells ,especially brain ones to swell.Side effects are nausea ,severe headaches and cramps.Mostly runners get this due to the extreme need to drink.The everyday person should have about six to eight full glasses of water a day.The best way to determine if you are getting enough of it is to look at your urine.You're drinking the right amount if it's a pale straw color.Deep yellow to orange colored urine is a sign of dehydration and if this is the case starting drinking more. A lot of people, especially adults, shy away from drinking water, especially now.Some would prefer an icy soda or slushie , others live for an iced coffee.These do add to the fluid intake but there are drawbacks too.Sodas and slushies have a high sugar content as well as leaving drinkers wanting more.Sweet drinks are also fattening ,not a plus during swimsuit season.Caffeine is even worse. It dries out skin cells not to mention it is a powerful stimulant.The problem with water is well, it is water. It's nice to take a sip before dinner or in the middle of the night when you wake up with cotton mouth.Water is luckily versatile, you can zest it up with a splash of lemon or lime.If you want something with a little more dash, then add some sliced strawberries or crushed blueberries.If you still crave fizz then think club soda.This is nothing but carbonated water.It's a great drink for the beach or for those summer parties when you don,t want alcohol.Like it's plainer cousin, it can be jazzed up with crushed fruit or fruit slices. If this hot weather is leaving you parched, then reach for a chilled bottle of water.It's the best weapon in dealing with the sweltering days of summer.Crack open a bottle now and enjoy it's cool purity.

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