Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kitchen Ceaning Yays And Nays

One of the worst summer chores is cleaning the kitchen.This involves getting rid of smelly leftovers and stale hard as rock whatever.The chore can be made less difficult simply by sorting.Figure put what is keepable and what's toss able. You'll have a cleaner, fresher cooking area, prefect for the minimal cooking of the season. If you haven't cleaned out your freezer now is the time to do so. After all, it'll be stocked with ice pops and pints of ice cream.Despite the old wives tale ,you can eat last year's ice pops only if they don't have a slight odor.Ice cream is another matter.It starts acquiring a funny taste at around six months. Get rid of it if it's been in the fridge for a whole twelve months. Frozen foods are different .They can be kept until their expiration dates. Check all dates before cooking or tossing. If you have frozen herbs or homemade pesto, again remember when they went into cold storage. Herbs only have one year. A little different theory works for down below.Fruit and veggies should be cleaned out after two weeks or ten days, depending on the particular produce. Tomatoes will emit a sour, earthy smell when they rot and will have almost prune like skins. Some foods will have the green patina of mold. Any cold cut will,after a week as will Ginger and some cheeses. Try to weed these out on a regular basis to have an odor free fridge.Canned and bottled foods and drinks can be kept much longer. Barbecue sauces, ketchup and mustards can sometimes last years however if they look syrupy or gummy chuck them into the garbage bin. Baked goods have much better and longer shelf lives. Some people even thrive on rock solid stale cookies and cake. they are good dunked into coffee. However they can be so hard as to break teeth.Luckily wild life such as raccoons and wood chucks have sweet tooths.You can toss anything without chocolate to them. Chocolate is dangerous to most animals so throw chocolate chips and stale brownies away. Stale baked goods can also be repurposed. Grind them up into crumbs to sprinkle over ice cream or as a filling for an ice cream cake.The same applies to bread especially French or Italian loaves. These actually make the best crumbs and they can be reused in a variety of dishes.Try them to thicken soups or as a breading for fried foods. unfortunately bread and cake's ingredients can't be saved. the only long lasting one is sugar or honey.Eggs turn after a month, flours gets wormy. toss these or give them away if you can't use them.Milk has both a sour smell and taste after only two or three days. flavorings such as vanilla and almond extract can surprisingly hold on for six months to a year, thanks to the alcohol in both. A clean kitchen is an inviting one.Remember to purge it of old rotty foods on a regular basis. it makes for not only an uncluttered one but one that is free of nasty smells and molds.

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