Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gearing Up For Picnic Season

The warm weather brings the urge to eat outside.There's nothing like a relaxing picnic on the beach or in the park .Yet a meal al fresco isn't just a sandwich on a bench .It's much more and if you want an enjoyable, trouble free one,you're going to have to have some gear.It's up to you to make it as simple or involved. The first step is having some kind of container for your grub.It can be as basic as a Styrofoam cooler you can buy at your local supermarket or as fancy as a British hamper from Williams Somona.The last will come with actual china plates, cloth napkins and cutlery.It's perfect for impressing a date or doing a picnic Downton Abbey style.However if it's not you, don't buy it.A better option is a cooler on wheels which can be bought at any Target or K-Mart.It will have room for ice which means you can easily store bottled drinks along with salads and sandwiches.It's good for the more involved meals that include meats for grilling and any mayo based dish.Another idea is a portable grill.Most picnic spots do have them, however many picnickers want their own to cook on.Get a decent easy to handle portastove that will last for several years.It can be used again in the fall for tailgating season.Also buy one that has two grills for cooking both burgers and dogs. There seems to be some division on utensils.Some people like the idea of plastic while others tend to use their house sets for dining outside.Plastic breaks ,especially the knives,rendering themselves useless when cutting steaks or even chicken breasts.Ditto for forks .The tines have a tendency to break off too if you're stabbing something tough.Bringing the utensils from home is not a good idea either.They could get lost.The best bet is heading down to your dollar store and purchasing cutlery from there.Knives and forks won't be as flimsy as the plastic ones yet not as precious as say the family silverware.The dollar store can also provide you with spatulas, larger knives and ladles..These also come in handy when you need extras for big holiday dinners.As for containers, invest in cheaper plastic containers with snap on lids for salads and even meats. You don't have to use the good Pyrex or even Tupperware. Nothing beats a relaxing meal al fresco.However for it to be enjoyable you do need some basics.A few simple containers, easy to handle cutlery and and ice filled cooler makes it easier to dine in the great outdoors.It'll make for a more enjoyable meal.

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