Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sick Day Cuisine

This is the time of year when we're laid low by some cruddy little bug.It not only means feeling lousy but also not feeling hungry.Worst yet, everyone tells us we should be filling up on just soup and crackers.While this is indeed, good advice ,it's also means a boring cuisine.Luckily there are other alternatives that are just as light, yet filling. One of the best staples to have, not only when you're sick ,but year round is plain white or brown rice.It's easy to fix and substantial to eat.To give it more flavor,toss in a cube of any kind of bouillon.It sort of makes it like an instant risotto.For more taste melt a tablespoon or two of butter over it and vigorously blend in.Mashed potatoes can also be used as a transition food as you're feeling better.Again have bowl of it with butter blended in or, if you're feeling more peckish, added warmed roast beef or turkey gravy over it.Dry sandwiches are a great way of getting your stomach back into it's normal routine.Think turkey or chicken breast on dry toast.If you do want something to moisten it , stick with butter spread on the bread.Mayo and other condiments may be too harsh yet. Wanting snacks is a sure sign you're feeling better.Again ,as with meals go slow.Don't jump into anything too wild.Popcorn may look bland however it could irritate your stomach.Stick with crackers such as Saltines and have them with either butter or jelly for a sweeter snack.Pretzels are also good.They're not fried and there's nothing greasy or intense about their flavor. If you want sweet and natural, try sliced bananas ,although if you have a cold then think citrus.Nothing soothes a sore throat better than chilled orange slices. Plain cookies like shortbreads or plain wafers are another good treat.If you really crave cake, stick with a plain slice of poundcake, as opposed to one laden with overly rich frosting The same goes for cupcakes and icing heavy cookies.Stay away from frothy lattes too.Stick with a simple hot cocoa or herbal tea with honey if you want a hot drink. Feeling sick is nasty.Feeling sick and hungry even worse.Yet it's a good sign you're feeling better.Eat foods that won't bother your stomach and give it some variety.

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