Saturday, January 11, 2014

Your Sick Day Foods

This is the time of year when you're either sick with a cold or worse ,the flu.You don't feel like eating even though you have to just to keep up your strength.What to do when this happens? Eat the right foods.You'll feel a tad better- maybe even sneaking in a favorite snack. Dehydration is one of the problems when you fall ill.Make sure you have plenty of fluids.One of the best is chamomile tea.It has a mild flavor ,perfect for when your mouth has that cottony feeling thanks to the sniffles.If you're recovering from a stomach virus ,think anything ginger.This rhizome is a natural stomach calmer that settles any upset.Have a tall glass of ginger ale over crushed ice or even better ,fresh Ginger tea.Take Ginger root and slice it into either thick chunks or wafer thin slices (this is up to you).Steep in boiling water for a good five minutes to get the full effect.Add anti oxidant rich dark honey if you wish to sweeten.If you have a cold , soothe it with orange juice.You can even semi freeze it to create a refreshing slushie. No matter how sick you are, you still have to eat.Broths are always the best in this situation.It pays to have bouillon cubes on hand anyway , but now is definitely the time for them.Have a bowl of any kind of broth,whether chicken ,beef or vegetable with a simple side of Saltine crackers.The last is even good as a snack if your hunger returns.They're not greasy or too strong in taste .Once you start to feel better you can add peanut butter to them to get much needed protein.As your symptoms subside , you may want to try some milder soups, like egg drop(or panpiest ,the Northern Italian classic made with just broth ,eggs and breadcrumbs) or a vegetable soup.When those hunger pangs return don't go hog wild with hearty eating .Try a simple brown rice or just plain pasta with only melted butter on top.You could also eat mashed potatoes too as a main meal until you feel right again. The appetite is the first thing to go when you feel sick.Yet eating is the most important step in getting well again.Take it easy with the right food and drinks.Save the fun stuff for later when you're flu and cold free.

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