Wednesday, January 22, 2014

is Veganism For You?

A lot of people want to change their lifestyles with a new year.One choice is This is vegetarianism to the extreme.Is it feasible to go from a dairy loving carnivore to all natural herbivores.Yes and no.The answer depends really on the person. True vegans eschew meat, dairy and eggs.They probably are choosing this life style because they are true animal lovers and cringe at the idea of harming any living creature.This is solely a plant based diet.It can be extreme, especially if a person loves ice cream or a Western omelet.There are substitutes such as soy eggs as well as varieties of soy and coconut based ice cream.Cow's milk can be replaced with almond or rice.It doesn't have the smoothness or body of "real milk" and may ruin a recipe calling for milk.You can also buy vegan cheeses too made with soy.They can be used to make grilled cheese or used in salads.Portabello mushrooms are a must if you switch over.They are a whole food and can be cooked like any steak. One of the problems with veganism is trying to replace a favorite food.Sometimes that garden burger just won't cut it and that newly minted vegan really wants a juicy burger.Another problem is most fast-food joints and restaurants are not truly geared for vegans.Your best bet is Wendy's where you can get a baked potato with margarine.Also try pizzerias that feature a no cheese version of Sicilian pizza known as nonna's or grandma's style.Chinese restaurants and take outs have a little more variety as far as with true veggie dishes.Settle on any noodle, rice or bean curd based dish.Also spring rolls and cabbage stuffed dim sum are good choices whether for appetizers or the main dish.As for desserts ,most large cities like New York andLos Angeles have vegan geared bakeries.Also the web can lead you to vegan bakery sites where you can order on line. Veganism is a healthy route to take.It can also be a difficult one too.Luckily you can sub in non animal based foods with plant based ones

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