Friday, December 13, 2013


Nothing beats any kind ofretzel ,especially during this time of year.They're a holiday party staple as well as being a chill chaser ,eaten hot on the street.everyone thinks New York City owns this salty treat think again as competitor from Philly arrives on the foodie scene. It was the subject of an article in Wednesday's New York Daily News Now Foxus,Regular contributor,Jeannette Settembre wrote about Peltzer's Pretzels a new Brooklyn must go.Owner Leon Pelzer Kirkland and his wife,Barella, bring their version of the German classic to New York.This ISA different kind ,one that's twisted in to a knot with less salt.Philly pretzels are more about flavor than they are about size.Also they are free of those large sodium chunks everyone in the Metro area loves. what's sort of sad is that this city institution is losing some of its'street cred.City bakers are putting different spins on this centuries old recipe(the first pretzels were made in Bavarian monasteries by Priests.They were given to good children as a reward for learning their prayers)Baker Maury Ruben has created an equal Ly buttery and salty Croisszel ,a hybrid of the treat and a croissant.The average vendor sold pretzel is made en masse by J and J Snack Foods and given out to the 400 street carts.the only he comes from Pelzer's .They can bring this classic street food back to its'former glory. Is New York ready for some Philly style pretzels?Hopefully yes.If they take off ,New Yorkers may be seeing more of them on Manhattan's streets.

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