Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cold Weather Charity

Now that November and the cold weather have arrived, it's time to start storing up for our local food drives , pantries  and soup kitchens. Those less fortunate deserve  a good hot meal  to ward off the chills as well as enjoy a holiday meal with all the trimmings.It's up to us to provide for those who can't as we did in earlier times.

One way of helping is by donating cans and packaged goods. Many of us overbuy and we always wind up with extra. Donate the surplus so others can enjoy a side of healthy veggies or beans. Check expiration dates to make sure cans haven't expired  though. Another way is shopping for both your family and any charitable organization at the same time. Some stores such as Stop & Shop and A&P will give discounts if you buy two or three cans. This also applies to certain breads and English muffins as well along with cold cuts. Buy fresh fruit too and donate it . Nothing  helps ward off colds and flus than a dose of apples ,oranges or bananas. The same with vegetables. Buy tomatoes not just for yourself but for your local soup kitchen too.

Another way of helping is volunteering. Of course there are the holiday soup kitchens but which is a good way of donating time. You can also go there on weekdays or any day off also. If you bake , then volunteer to make cookies or cupcakes. Also baking for the holidays is nice too.Bakers could even have a baking party where three or four get together and make a variety of treats to hand out. (You may want to check with your local pantries to check their policies) Other things like utensils, napkins , even tablecloths  can be bought at your dollar store and given too.

This is th eseason to give.You can donate food or time to  help others. They're greatly appreciate it.

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