Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's Octoberfest Time!

Every fall Germany and Germans around the world go crazy. Why?It's Oktoberfest! It's a time to enjoy the best Deutchland has to offer and it offers a whole cornucopia of yummy foods and drinks. It'sa perfect time to celebrate , with clear autumn skies and endless steins of beer!

Oktoberfest has its' origins in a wedding celebration that took place 200 years ago.Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen.It actually started as horse race and then  eventually evolved into an actual festival. Small beer stands were set up to quench  thirsts back then, because it was more of a fair.  Now Germans around the celebrate it  , from parades and in German clubs to restaurants and even casinos. The foods are always delicious . Every kind of wurst is sold, from frankfurters to bratwurst and with it every and any kind of beer from weisse bier to  the darker, earthier brews.There are also spaetzle, the little flour dumpling that are excellent with a rich brown gravy.

The Germans are crack experts at baking and that reflects heavily at any Oktoberfest. Nothing beats a freshly made pretzel(or two or three) along with the many fantastic cakes.There is the heavenly Black Forest cake, a mix if dark chocolate cake, cherries and whipped cream. Sometimes shaved dark chocolate is sprinkled on it for added decadence.There's also the fruit cakes, such as plum and apple.These are more like tarts with a pie crust bottoms ,laden with fruit slices. Another treat is beesting cake or beinenstich, tasty mix of a honey butter cream, crunchy glazed almond topping and a fluffy spring cake.

If you haven't been to one yet, go to an Octoberfest.It's a great way to experience all that wonderful German food. Enjoy a wurst and beef followed by pretzels and cake.It's the best eating experience in the world!

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