Friday, August 23, 2013

The Time For Figs

Late summer brings a lot of fruit harvests. Right now it's the season for figs. Unlike peaches, and strawberries these can be an acquired taste, However fresh picked figs can be delicious as well as versatile. They can be used for meals as well as for desserts.

Dave Tanis had a field day with them and wrote about his  experiences in his Wednesday's City Kitchen's column in the  New York Times Dining section. Figs can a tough fruit to grasp. many are put off by their sweet earthy taste or many seeds.Unlike other summer fruit figs can go both sweet or savory according to Mr. Tanis. The best ones are from backyards. Store bought  ones tend to be under ripe which results in a hard green fig with a tendency to rot quickly. You can put them on a towel covered try to soften and ripen but this is iffy. Some will improve with age, some won't. It's a gamble but one well worth it.

Mr. Tanis gives us some great recipes. Imagine sun ripened figs with creamy goat cheese and salty prosciutto. This is a perfect Sunday evening dinner after a day at the beach or lake. You can also make an awesome vinaigrette with them or better yet encase them in a buttery crostata. Mr. Tanis prefers sliced figs  topping an almond cake which would make a nice summery dessert. Another suggestion is serving them with either creme fraiche or vanilla ice cream.

If you want a different kind of   summer fruit veer towards figs .They are good paired with almost everything from wafer thin cured ham to scoops of ice cream. Try them for their earthy sweetness and tender but juicy flesh,.

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