Saturday, August 17, 2013

Festival Foraging

For now until the next few weeks there will be all sorts of festivals and street fairs. These are fun but can wreak havoc on our diets. The trick is to maneuver through these  and try to pick the healthiest food.There are some good for you treats hidden amongst all that fried and sugary fare.

Some festivals are ethnic ones. German have early versions of Octoberfest or even a few Somerfests while Italians have variations of San Gennaro and late summer fairs. Both groups have tasty foods  that you can just eat and eat. For the German fairs , it;s hard to find diet foods however you can cut down on some. Most serve bratwurst or even hot dogs. Try to eat these without the large rolls that accompany them. Stick with sauerkraut and red cabbage instead of potato salad. For the Italian festivals, try any chicken or seafood dish. A few offer a grilled garlic chicken with tomato sauce which is healthy along with clams with lemon. Steer clear of the pasta and fried dessert zeppolis.

Street fairs offer some of these foods and then some. A new trend is a stick full of deep fried potato chips. Steer clear of these and head for cups of veggie salad or hummus. Even a shish kabob with half meat and half peppers and onions is healthier treat.Don;t go by any booth that advertise deep frying anyone. These are lethal (and could also cause discomfort later). Street fairs also have stands that serve up cotton candy and candy apples. Yes, these are fun but are the ultimate sugar rush.Try to find a stand that specializes in chocolate dipped fruit.If anything you get the benefit of bananas, pineapples and strawberries.

Festivals and street fairs are fun for any foodie. They offer tasty treats but  be careful with what you eat. Stick with what's good nutritionally  as well as what tastes good. You'll enjoy it more.

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