Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Summer Fridge

One of the most important rules of summer is keeping it light.This also applies to your fridge.This is not the season to load it up with leftovers and tons of other stuff. The more you have in it ,the more chance of it emitting that lovely rotten overripe food smell. The best bet is to stock it to a bare minimum.Keep it easy and breezy until the fall. Leftovers and doggie bags are always fun.However they're not so festive when they 've been left in the fridge for a week or two.Try to eat them a day or two after you've brought them home.Otherwise toss.The food will also get mold y too ,thanks to the hot weather(even though they're cold.,mold still flourishes )Ditto for those left over uncooked hamburger patties.Grill them or crumble into a quick chili with tomato paste, beans and spices.Those big salads you got at the diner and couldn't finish.Definitely eat those or chuck a day after .The greens will get soggy and not taste so good. During the summer months we have a tendency to go wild for the produce of the season.Even though fruits and veg are good for you, it's best to buy only in small quantities.Pitted fruits such as plums and peaches go bad and develop mold spots after a week. Don't over buy these.Keeper fruits, fruits that retain their freshness even after being in the fridge a week are strawberries. Blueberries and black berries( basically any berry),Veggies have. A little better shelf life however don't go too crazy with them. Cheese Can keep as well but it's best to only have one or two kinds. In the fridge(although they can always be added to omelets or melted into sauces. if you want a fresh smelling fridge ,keep it light and easy.Don't overload it or you'll have a hot smelly mess on your hands.Let the refrigerator have a vacation too this summer.

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