Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Crisp Cookie Revolution

There's something going on with cookies in the United States. Gone are those clingy chewy kind and in their stead a new version. It's the crisper , more homemade tasting and looking kind. To be honest it's a step up and away from all those soft little Frisbees that have been gracing our tables.. These provide better texture and flavor.

To be honest crisp cookies have been around since - oh  forever. They were called snaps, and were wafer thin (although strangely enough not wafers) and the first were ginger flavored. The name probably came from the sound the cookie makes when being broken or bitten/Much later the Nabisco company made them in chocolate and chocolate chip along with the ginger ones They fell out of favor thanks to  companies like Entemann's introducing a denser, richer chewier dough in the early 1980's . People wanted  clingy cookies , more with a cake like texture than the traditional brittle one.

That's changing. I noticed a return to the crispy side when I first discovered  the version from the  Flaky Tart, a four star bakery from Atlantic Highlands New Jersey The baker produced one that had the melt in your mouth buttery and chocolate flavoring yet with a crackly texture. I also discovered that they made their oatmeal cookies with the same bone china texture.Then this type started showing up in grocery stores , just in the chocolate chip flavor. I recently found out  that Target's brand Archer Farms also has these snaps, however they've expanded into the snickerdoodle and sugar cookies types along with the ubiquitous chocolate chip.

Will this trend last forever? I hope so. There's nothing like a crispy cookie to satisfy your need for crunch and sweetness.Crispy rules.

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