Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Random Acts Of Foodie Kindness

Even though the weather is warm outside there are still hungry people who need a cool drink and a meal.We tend to only remember the needy and homeless when the temps fall. Yet they're there, twelves months a year. That's why it's important to remember them now.

Food pantries and food banks always are on the lookout for fresh veggies and fruits. An ideal gift is any bumper crop from your garden.If you have extra tomatoes or lettuce, think about donating them. Fresh veg is great and can be stretched into a variety of tasty and healthy dishes. The same for fruits.If your plum or peach tree has an abundance of fruit, don't hesitate to donate what you don't want. Kids would love to have a sweet but nutritious snack.Their parents would love it as well, because it's not all those cheap sugary treats that are laden with transfats and empty calories.

Water would come in handy too , at shelters. Donate as many cases as you can. Nothing beats a cool swig of water, especially on a hot summer's night. Also if you see a homeless person, treat him or her to a bottle of water or iced tea. If they're hanging around where you;re eating ask if you can buy them a meal.|Some cafes do have a pay what you can price  for those who are financially strapped. This applies to anybody, from the recently laid off to those who have lost everything. Spread the word about these if you can, These are the restaurants and eateries that should be garnering  a lot of business.

There are still the homeless out there, there are still the hungry. Just because it;s summer, doesn't mean that they just disappear. They're around, needing , wanting our help. We have to make sure their summer is going well with good food and a cooling drink.

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