Friday, May 17, 2013

Think Thin Think Yummy

If you want something tasty , it's always bad for you. The problem is if it's good for you , then it tastes like cardboard.Not so in the case of Think Thin products.These are the perfect snacks to to munch on when you need a sweet treat. They're just as tasty as candy but without all the calories and fat.

Think Products is the company behind these tasty bars.They also have  other products that promote wellness and healthy eating. Its' founder, Lizanne Falsetto, was an international business person who first chose fashion. Luckily for us she chose nutrition too  and created an entire line  of wellness snacks.Her philosophy is simple: make sure they had a good source of protein along with no sugar and gluten.Ms. Falsetto also is a big believer in portion control and some of the bars reflect that. She wants her customers to enjoy a satisfying snack with out over indulging.

The Think products come in three different varieties. I got to try the Crunch bars and these are a great snack. The coconut is like a candy bar, full of chocolate and coconut shreds. These are a perfect afternoon pick me up with an iced black coffee.If you want one that's pure crunchy granola try the blueberry crunch. This is a yummy mix of nuts , chocolate and blueberries, Want a Reese's fix? Then try the  high protein peanut butter, a fluffy bar coated in dark chocolate . These protein bars come in other sinful flavors like caramel fudge and chocolate covered strawberry.The bites come in equally tantalizing flavors such as cookies and cream and chocolate toffee nut.

If you want a tasty and sweet snack then Think Thin. These are the perfect snack for the sweet tooth who wants a healthier alternative to the usual afternoon pastry or candy bar. They're not only good tasting but good for you.

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